Viper VLB Windows NT 3.1 Driver Version 1.0 Release Notes Version 1.0 11/10/93 1. Introduction These release notes show you how to install the Viper VLB drivers into a system running Windows NT Version 3.1 Final Release. You must have this version of Windows NT for the Viper VLB drivers to work properly. The disk should contain the files as listed in figure 1. Figure 1. Diskette contents Filename Size Date Time DISK1 30 10-08-93 3:30p OEMSETUP INF 22356 11-09-93 5:07p P9000 DLL 72192 10-08-93 3:14p P9000 SYS 22528 10-13-93 1:04p P9000RES DAT 4570 08-04-93 1:55p VPINST EXE 89600 11-03-93 12:50p README TXT 9925 11-10-93 10:59a If any of these files are missing, please call Diamond customer service for a replacement disk. This release consists of Windows NT 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit drivers. The supported resolutions and memory required for each resolution is shown in figure 2. Figure 2. Supported resolutions and memory requirements Resolution Memory Requirements (in megabytes) 8-Bit 16-Bit 32-Bit 640 x 480 x 72Hz 1 1 2 800 x 600 x 60Hz 1 1 2 800 x 600 x 72Hz 1 1 2 1024 x 768 x 60Hz 1 2 N/A 1024 x 768 x 70Hz 1 2 N/A 1280 x 1024 x 55Hz 2 N/A N/A 1280 x 1024 x 60Hz 2 N/A N/A 1280 x 1024 x 74Hz 2 N/A N/A 1280 x 1024 x 75Hz 2 N/A N/A 2. Installing the Windows NT Drivers This section shows you how to install the Windows NT drivers on your system. The drivers are capable of the video modes listed in figure 2. The following procedure assumes that the Viper VLB board is already installed in your system. If it is not, install it now. Similarly, make sure that Windows NT Version 3.1 Final Release is installed on your hard disk. The drivers in this release are written to run only with Version 3.1 Final Release, and not with any other version of this operating system. Finally, make sure that Windows NT is set to use standard VGA resolution (640x480). In other words, make sure that you can bring up Windows NT using the Viper VLB board. If the preceding conditions are correct, proceed with driver installation in the next section. 2.1. Preparing for Installation/Update Refer to Windows NT documentation to determine what shut-down or log-off procedures, if any, should be performed before beginning this installation. 2.2. Initial Driver Installation Windows NT should be running in standard VGA mode as you begin this installation. 1. Insert the Viper VLB Windows NT 3.1 driver disk into your floppy drive. 2. In the window labeled MAIN, run Windows NT Setup by double-clicking on that icon. 3. In the SETUP window, click on Options. 4. Click on Change System Settings.... 5. Click on the Display scroll button and use the scroll button to choose Other (Requires a disk from hardware manufacturer). 6. In the displayed dialog box, click on OK if the diskette is in drive A:, or enter the drive you are using and then click OK. 7. Double-click on the resolution, color depth, and refresh rate combination you wish to use. Note that you must have enough memory to support the color depth or resolution you select, or you may have a corrupted or absent display. Note that your monitor must support the refresh rate you choose, or the monitor will not synchronize. Refer to figure 1 for a list of supported resolutions, color depths, and refresh rates. 8. After waiting for the Close option to appear, click on Close to close the window. 9. Click on Continue. Windows NT displays a window showing that files are being loaded. 10. In the dialog box labeled Additional Information, double-click on a monitor type. Select a monitor that best matches your monitor timing. For example, if your monitor supports VESA monitor timing, you may choose Generic. Then choose memory size 1 Meg for 1 MB of memory or 2 Meg for 2 MB of memory. 3 Meg and 4 Meg are reserved for use in future releases and are not supported in this release. For the Viper, the Memory Base default address is 80000000. You may choose a different memory base to match your board address from the choices displayed. The available options are: A0000000 20000000 80000000 (default) Font Size default is Small. This release does not support the large font size. If you choose Large, you will get small font size. Click on OK to close the dialog box. 11. Close the Windows NT Setup window. The following message is displayed: The changes you have made will not take effect until the computer is restarted. Click on OK. 12. Remove the Viper VLB Windows NT 3.1 driver disk from the floppy drive. 13. To restart the system, choose the File pull-down menu from the menu bar in the Program Manager window. Choose Shutdown from the pull-down menu. 14. Click on Restart. 15. Click on OK. 2.3. Changing from one Viper VLB Driver Resolution to Another The procedure used to change from one Viper VLB resolution to another is nearly identical to the initial driver installation shown in section 2.2. 1. In the window labeled MAIN, run Windows NT Setup by double-clicking on that icon. 2. In the SETUP window, select the Options pull-down menu from the menu bar. 3. In the Change System Setting dialog box, select a new resolution, then close the window. 4. A dialog box is displayed that asks if you wish to use the current drivers or new drivers. Click on Current. (Note that if you choose New, you are asked to insert a diskette. New can be used to install an updated version of a previously installed driver.) 5. Continue with steps 10 through 14 of the initial driver installation in section 2.2. 2.4. Updating the Viper VLB Windows NT 3.1 drivers The procedure used to update the Viper VLB Windows NT 3.1 drivers is nearly identical to the initial driver installation shown in section 2.2. 1. In the window labeled MAIN, run Windows NT Setup by double-clicking on that icon. 2. In the SETUP window, select the Options pull-down menu from the menu bar. 3. In the Change System Setting dialog box, select the resolution you want to change, then close the window. 4. A dialog box is displayed that asks if you wish to use the current drivers or new drivers. Click on New. You are asked to insert a diskette. Insert the disk with the updated driver into the floppy drive, then click OK. 5. Continue with steps 10 through 14 of the initial driver installation in section 2.2. 3. Known Bugs, Notes, and Limitations 3.1. General Notes 1. The 16- and 32-bit-per-pixel drivers are not accelerated; they use a dumb frame buffer. The 8-bit drivers are accelerated. 2. If your board does not have enough memory to support the resolution you have selected, the display will be incorrect. 3. If you have changed the resolution to one that your monitor cannot support, Windows NT provides a way to restart with the last known good resolution. To return to the last known good resolution at any time: a. Press the Reset button on your system chassis or turn off the system and turn it on again. The system displays the normal sequence of boot-up messages. It then prompts you to select the operating system to start. Select Windows NT Version 3.1, or simply wait and Windows NT will be selected by default. (Be ready for the next step with your finger over the space bar.) b. After all boot-up messages have been displayed, the system briefly displays: OS Loader V3.1 Press spacebar NOW to invoke the Last Known Good menu You need to press the space bar as this screen is first displayed. This screen comes and goes so quickly, you should keep your finger over the space bar after the operating system selection in the previous step. c. A text screen is displayed labeled Configuration Recovery Menu. Follow the directions on the screen. You should choose the Last Known Good option. 3.2. Anomalies The following is a list of anomalies you may see when running Windows NT. These problems are related to running Windows applications under Windows NT; they are not related to any third party graphics hardware or software. 1. In 32-bit-per-pixel mode, Paintbrush tools are displayed in monochrome. 2. In 32- and 16-bit-per-pixel modes, the start-up logo screens of Lotus 1-2-3 and Freelance are displayed in monochrome. 3. In 32-bit-per-pixel modes, the Minesweeper game is displayed in monochrome. 4. In 32-bit-per-pixel modes, Microsoft Excel toolbar buttons do not display as 3-dimensional buttons as they should. 5. In 16- and 32-bit-per-pixel modes, Microsoft Works toolbar buttons do not display as 3-dimensional buttons as they should. 6. In 16- and 32-bit-per-pixel modes, the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility Test (HCT) font tests return "FAIL". 7. When running Word Perfect 640x480 and 800x600 resolutions, stray pixels are left on the screen after closing a file. 3.3. Known Bugs 1. A number of display problems have been found associated with Micronics motherboards. For example, there is some "noise" or flicker on the screen, especially when the cursor is moved with the mouse. 2. In 16-bit-per-pixel mode, the Paintbrush color eraser does not work properly. 3. In 32-bit-per-pixel mode, running Paintbrush will generate an exception fault. This issue is being addressed. 4. When running "Introducing Windows NT", or any other full screen DOS application, no picture will appear. This issue is being addressed.